Where to go for support
Emergency services
If you’ve been the victim of racial abuse, or witnessed someone being racially abused, then you need to call the police. DO NOT engage in any violence or criminal activity in retaliation
You should call 999 if you’re in immediate danger, or 101 if the abuse has already happened.
You should:
be as specific as you can
give as many details as possible
supply any evidence you can
P.H.O.E.B.E is an Ipswich-based registered charity that offers specialist advice, information, casework, advocacy and support and counselling services to black and ethnic minority women and children.
P.H.O.E.B.E (Promotion of Health, Opportunity, Equality, Benevolence and Empowerment) promotes greater a greater number of black and ethnic minority women and children to receive domestic abuse support and counselling services across Suffolk.
Karibu (African Women’s Support Group)
Karibu provides information, advice, help, support and counselling services to African and minority ethnic women and their families in Ipswich and Suffolk in general. It aims to promote awareness of ethnic, cultural and religious diversity within statutory and voluntary organisations and the larger community. Karibu is governed by a Board of Trustees.